Narrow Road

Read Psalm 142:1-5

A psalm of David, regarding his experience in the cave. A prayer.

I cry out to the Lord;
    I plead for the Lord’s mercy.
I pour out my complaints before him
    and tell him all my troubles.
When I am overwhelmed,
    you alone know the way I should turn.
Wherever I go,
    my enemies have set traps for me.
I look for someone to come and help me,
    but no one gives me a passing thought!
No one will help me;
    no one cares a bit what happens to me.
Then I pray to you, O Lord.
    I say, “You are my place of refuge.
    You are all I really want in life.

Big Idea: The narrow road following Jesus can be lonely.

As a Christian teen, I had a season of loneliness. I had given my life to Jesus, and following Him meant walking a new path. I wasn’t in a great youth group at the time and didn’t know any other Christians at my school. It was a time of solitude that lasted for a short season where my only friend was Jesus.

Looking back now, I count that as one of the sweetest times of my life. Because in those moments in my room with worship music blaring, the foundation of my faith was built.

If today you find yourself in a lonely space in your pursuit of Christ, see this time as an extraordinary opportunity. The future God has in store for you will be built on the foundation of today. So sink into Him. Learn from Him. Share with Him your heart. And watch as He completely transforms you into a friend of God.

Takeaway Verse:

Song For Today:

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Daily Verse


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